How litter ruined my BIRDING TRIP to a hidden gem: El Cuervo, Spain

Today's birding expedition to El Cuervo was a journey of contrasting emotions. Nestled away from the beaten path, this place revealed itself as a hidden gem adorned with several small pools and teeming with an abundance of wildlife. As a passionate birder, the sheer diversity of avian species in this unassuming haven left me both astounded and dismayed.

Red Kite

As you walk towards the end of this area, you can observe the small pools lying below. Be careful though, as birds can spot you easily and you might scare them off. I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of four different birds of prey: Buzzard, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier and Sparrowhawk.




This place could be truly amazing

The perfect habitat for many bird species

Grey Heron

Marsh Harrier

Red Kite

However, I was also saddened by the sight of tons of litter and the presence of many hunting cartridges, although this is not a hunting area.

Heartbreaking sight

Plenty of these

No words for this

I had spotted several rabbits when suddenly I saw something cat-like run off. I saw it again later on the other side of the bank, and it turned out to be an Egyptian Mongoose. What a beautiful creature!

Egyptian Mongoose

Little Grebe

White Wagtail

Black-winged Stilt

I found this place, south of Los Tollos Lagoon, far more interesting than the latter. It could be a true paradise, but unfortunately some brainless scumbags decided to use this place as a waste dump.

Check out a previous visit to Los Tollos Lagoon at barely three minutes away from this place.
